Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Some research papers on EFL students


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MacIntyre, P. D., Noels, K.A., & Clement, R. (1997, June). Biases in self-ratings of second language proficiency: The role of language anxiety. Language Learning, 47 (2), 265-287.
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Zhang, L. J. (2000, December). Uncovering Chinese ESL students' reading anxiety in a study abroad context. Asian Pacific Journal of Language in Education, 3 (2), 31-52.


ERIC site

Healthy school assessment checklist download

School design


Assessing IT school

School building assessment by the teachers

Origins of the study

In assessment of reading and writing motive differences in Tripura and Manipur, I noted several problems in infrastructural issues in the schools. I organized some workshops in Manipur with teachers in senapati and Churachandpur districts.
I feel that it is more important to assess attitude towards school infrastructures.

Attitude towards school infrastructure is multidimensional in nature covering adequacy, secrecy, comfort, protection etc. Again this varies with different kinds of school infrastructures. For example attitude towards physical infrastructure (school building structure, drinking water facilities, toilet facilities) includes protection from environmental calamities, adequacy for the number of students, maintaining secrecy in use etc. And attitude towards knowledge sharing infrastructure (teacher, reading writing accessories, library facilities) covers supportive care of teachers, confidence in teachers' expertise, teaching competencies, feeling of comfort in use etc. It is assumed that multidimensional attitude to the multidimensional infrastructure faciliteis in schools play important role on students to attend and to remain at the school.However, there is a dearth of systematic study on this issue. This may be due to unavailability of instrument to assess attitude towards different kinds of school infrastructures. On this background, present project aims at development of questionnaire to measure attitude towards four kinds of school infrastructures (Physical, knowledge sharing, information sharing and locations). Current study will examine those issues in terms of three stages : (a) Understanding different feelings of the students towards infrastructure facilities in schools. This will be done by small group discussion with senior school teachers of the upper primary schools (library, exhibition, schhol magazine etc. are not available in the primary schools, many primary schools are converted to upper primary so more students are available in upper primary ) in the more and least literate districts of the hill, plain and very low land areas of W.B. based on DISE data. Based on the general attitude towards school infrastructures as revealed in the group discussion and reviewing prior studies on this issue, a questionnaire will be developed. Statements of the questionnaire will be reviewed by the judges (experts in education and psychology)to assess face validity. Final questionnaire will be administered to 800 students (4 areas X 50 students X 2 sex groups X 2 managements) Analysis of Data 1. Based upon the distribution of data, Principal component analysis will be made to identify specific dimensions of the attitudes towards school infrastructure. 2. 3 way ANOVA or MANOVA (4 areas X 2 sch.managements X 2 sex groups) will be made to determine significant difference across different infrastrucrure facilities in schools. Significance 1. Results will be useful for planning and construction of different school infrastructure facilities. 2. Later on one can conduct studies about relationship of attitude towards school infrastructures and academic behaviour of students ( attendance, remaining in school, academic performance etc.)